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We provide creative and commercially focused solutions aimed at the UK leisure sector that:

- Drive sales and profit
- Are always focused on the consumer
- Ensure your business stands out from the crowd

 Whether it is a piece of innovative sales building, complete retail brand development, a robust customer communication strategy or simply an innovative presentation of your own initiatives, we can provide a one-stop shop approach leaving you to concentrate on the delivery.


We think like your customers and put ourselves in their shoes.  We’ll talk to them, walk the streets and visit your key competitors.

We listen to your brief and propose profit critical actions and longer term strategy.  We get under the skin of the issues and identify areas of profit opportunity.

We provide and package solutions you can just pick up and run with – we won’t reinvent the wheel just for the sake of it.

We use our knowledge and experience of both operations and marketing to deliver creative, well considered and cost effective solutions.


If you're involved in operating or supplying the food, drinks and  leisure sector from pubs, restaurants, hotels and retail operations you should talk to us about ways we can help.

 We can make things happen when you don’t have the time or resource.  We’re flexible and affordable, we don’t come with costly internal overhead

 We are a fresh pair of eyes bringing an insider's understanding alongside an outsider's ability to question, positively challenge and analyse.  We spot potential within your business which may have been overlooked.


We're not 'all talk'  - we go the extra mile to effectively deliver results.


B U S I N E S S  I N S I G H T
A  F R E S H  P A I R  O F  E Y E S


We know how hard it can be to see the best opportunities when you work so closely in any industry or business.  Sometimes you need a fresh look and that’s where we come in.

Whether you need a sense check of your service style or a full review of the whole offer we can tailor our approach.

R E T A I L  C O N C E P T S
S T A N D  O U T  F R O M  T H E  C R O W D


We have a vast amount of experience in developing strong, consumer-focused retail brands, businesses and concepts.  We can help to define your entire retail offer by highlighting key strengths and working these into a clear vision that meets customers’ needs and exceeds their expectations.

C U S T O M E R  F O C U S
D E L I V E R  A  B E T T E R  E X P E R I E N C E


Increasingly, customers will make purchasing decisions based on their overall experience.  It’s not always about cutting prices and putting on offers but really adding value through a phenomenally focused and well delivered experience.  We work with your teams to ensure they are delivering the experience that drives loyalty and repeat visits.

D R I V I N G  S A L E S
C O M M U N I C A T E  E F F E C T I V E L Y


As the sector becomes increasingly competitive, it’s essential that your business is driving hard to get as much of the available sales “pie” as possible. We can review your approach and work with you to develop a sales driving strategy and culture that is communicated creatively and effectively across all channels.



At Profit People we are passionate about the leisure industry and we like to think of ourselves as more than just another marketing consultancy.


Our knowledge and extensive experience within this sector in both Operations and Marketing always ensures a truly “commercial” approach – we provide hard-edged, practical solutions in a creative way making your business and its performance stand out from the crowd and the competition.


Our objective is not to be bigger than anyone else, just better. We work when it suits you and take care not to spread ourselves too thinly, so you can always be certain of a first class, professional job without any hassle or delays.


Of course, we are aware that we are operating in a difficult and ever-changing marketplace.  We keep in tune with the latest retail and leisure trends to ensure that we can help all types of businesses, big or small to exploit trends and latest thinking.


We offer a broad range of bespoke services and tools, all of which are designed to drive greater profitability at unit through to company level.


Whether you are looking to revitalise a flagging brand, need advice on launching new businesses or simply want to get better at delivering a great customer experience, we will provide a comprehensive approach and work with you to deliver the very best results.

About Us
Our Services


Following successful corporate careers in both PLC and smaller VC backed companies, Martin Stevens and Darren Lomas created Profit People in early 2006 to provide practical and creative solutions to clients across the sector.

We share a genuine passion for finding ways to add value to businesses, both big and small, and have a wealth of experience in operations and marketing on which to draw.  We have been told that we are both practical and resourceful people and have a creative, imaginative approach to our work and make sure that things get done rather than just talked about.

Martin Stevens

Martin Stevens has a wealth of experience in consumer facing, retail businesses since leaving university and joining Whitbread PLC as a fresh-faced Graduate Trainee.  Whilst there, Martin held a number of senior roles in both Operations and Marketing which has provided a very broad understanding of what is needed to provide both an imaginative and practical, profit-focused approach.

Since leaving Whitbread in 2000 he helped to create and  launch the key pub & restaurant concepts within the VC backed Noble House and as Marketing Director was instrumental in the creation of a brand new retail business and its launch both to the internal team and to an external audience.  Martin has also completed a Corporate Coaching course which has added further to the options that are offered as solutions to clients whether this is aimed at making a team more effective or at improving an individuals skills and performance.


Darren Lomas

Darren Lomas has been involved in the leisure and hospitality industry for a number of years. Starting as a part time (over enthusiastic!) weekend glass collector, his eagerness and desire to be involved in the industry soon led to Darren taking the steps to managing a number of sites for Whitbread.   This provided him with a real operational, commercial and practical view on the industry.  

After a number of years as an operator, Darren moved into marketing, and was soon responsible for a number of successful branded businesses within Whitbread.  He has experience of the leased pub business as the marketing manager for pub partnerships further developing his commercial skills and marketing in a B2B environment.  Always seeking a new challenge Darren soon took the opportunity to move to a smaller VC backed company where he was responsible for a broad range of food driven brands where he was appointed head of marketing.

Who We Are


"Profit People worked with our internal team and our external designers with a huge passion for detail and delivered a fantastically well communicated retail model that has been effectively rolled out over several sites"

Nigel Wright, CEO, TCG

“By undertaking visits to all our pubs, Profit People saw our business through customers eyes, developed a detailed summary of opportunities and helped to successfully  launch our customer service initiative.”

"Well done to both of you for getting another groundbreaking Stonegate development over the line.  

All senior management are stunned by what they have seen and most encouraging the customers appear to be loving it. "

Ashley Rudd, Operations Director,

St Austell

Rich Bruce, Marketing Director,


Happy Clients



Get In Touch

We'd love to hear from you whether to give us some feedback, ask more questions or arrange to meet.  Complete the form and hit 'send' and we'll be in touch or simply give us a call.


Martin - 07831 883069

Darren - 07775 602042

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© 2019 by PROFIT PEOPLE LTD.   

Profit People

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